Online Invoicing

We process purchase invoices electronically and accept e-invoices to streamline invoice processing.

Our purchase invoices are handled with the software of Heeros Systems Oy. Liaison Technologies Oy serves as our e-invoice operator.


Technical details for e-invoicing

Name: Ehrensvärd Society

Business ID: 0220249–0

E-invoice address: 003702202490

Intermediary code: 003708599126

Intermediary: Open Text Oy


Our e-invoice address is the same as our OVT code. In Finland, the OVT code is formed as follows: country code “0037” + business ID without hyphens + optional unit identifier (max 5 characters).


Please use the above-mentioned e-invoice address and intermediary code for routing invoices. If you send e-invoices through Tieto (formerly TietoEnator), you need to add the required identifier ”AN” in front of the e-invoice address, resulting in the e-invoice address being formed as ”AN003702202490”.


We kindly request you to send your paper invoices to the following address:

Ehrensvärd-seura ry, Ehrensvärd Society

PL 117

40011 Heeros


If you send invoices via email, please send them to the following address:



We request all other materials to be sent to the following address:

Ehrensvärd-seura ry, Ehrensvärd Society

Suomenlinna B 40

00190 Helsinki