Join as a Member

As a member of the Ehrensvärd Society, you will have the opportunity to explore new research, interesting excursion destinations, and the activities of the society.
Membership application
You can apply for membership of the society using the form provided. The membership process consists of two steps. Briefly explain in the form why you want to become a member. After this, the membership will be processed at the board meeting.
Individuals who accept the purpose of the association may be accepted as members.
The society has the following types of members, each with one vote at the association’s meetings:
- Regular members, who pay the annual membership fee determined by the society’s autumn meeting each year, for the year 2024 the fee is 25 euros,
- Life members, who pay the life membership fee determined by the society’s autumn meeting, are thereafter exempt from annual membership fees,
- Donor members, who pay the donor membership fee determined by the association’s autumn meeting, are thereafter exempt from annual membership fees,
- Honorary members, whom the society wishes to honor with their selection and who are not required to pay annual membership fees.
A member who neglects to pay their membership fee for three consecutive years is considered to have resigned. The board may dismiss a member if there is a justified reason.
Join as a member
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Our members’ personal information is handled safely and confidentially. We will contact you regarding your membership acceptance.